God Created You and gave you the Gift to Create
” For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. “ Ephesians 2:10 NKJV
You are God’s workmanship, created by God.
Imagine the skill and power (workmanship) it took for the Creator to create you down to the smallest detail. Consider your most memorable creative experience and outcome. With great intentionality, love and consideration you created an elevated experience. Striving for excellence, you consider the immediate results and long-term commitment to maintenance, help, care, comfort, accessibility and availability. How much more did God plan for you, His workmanship! He sent Jesus to bridge the gap between us and Him that we may live eternally with Him. He made us but His image bearers with multifaceted talents and gifts. He is always available, always accessible, planned for your care and comfort and is a present help. He even tells us the maintenance plan, reading His word, spending time in prayer and worship with Him. You are God’s workmanship. Own it.
god prepared good works for you to do
God not only created you, but He also prepared good works for you to do. Yes, creative genius, your creativity comes from God! Both you and the good works can only fully realized in Christ Jesus. God also created space for you to thrive in Him and deliver your gifts. You are not saved by doing things, (works) but by grace through faith. Creative encounters have been prepared by God. The desires and dreams, visions and glimpse, take them back to the Lord and ask for direction. Let it sink in. There’s so much more than what you can fathom. Your needs for your soul are being met by God and there are already tailor-made creative encounters lined up for your future, past and present. They may look different in different seasons, but they are all valuable and designed for you, according to His will. You never have to wonder if there is a place or space for you. It starts in relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
The creator created you & space for you to create!
Seek His guidance to follow the path He has set for you. He cares for your soul. Remember, you are God's masterpiece, made to create! Know that you are God’s workmanship. The creator created you and space for you to create! Don’t do it alone. Will you pray and ask the Lord for guidance and help? Will you keep asking, reading the bible and listening?